We are looking for talented and ambitious graduate students and postdocs!
We will enthusiastically support excellent applications for competitive fellowships (e.g., NSERC, NSERC Banting, Branco-Weiss, Fulbright, FRQNT, MITACS). Winning the competition is not a prerequisite for joining the group at this time.
Interested researchers should send a CV and a brief statement of research interests/experience to lena dot simine at mcgill dot ca
Why come to McGill?
1. The employment prospects are bright, the community is terrific (see Chemistry, CMP, MILA), the computing resources are top notch, iff there is something you wish to accomplish - you can do it here.
2. Montreal offers one of the richest experiences in North America for students/postdocs: it is affordable, safe, stylish, bilingual, one of the best entertainment ecosystems (Montreal Canadiens, Cirque de Soleil, Just for Laughs festival, Montreal Jazz festival, Grand Prix, National Theater School festival, and lots more), it has great food, from-green-to-black-double-diamond downhill skiing, and a convenient geographic location.